Two faces of my love

To not feel the pain in this numbness

To let the heart feel it was a tiny scratch

To make me forget your cold words

To start afresh as though nothing happened

I closed my eyes once in such hopes

But your face with such innocence is what I see

The hand that held me through dark nights,

Or the hand that let go through the perfect storm

The words that lit candles of hopes in this heart

Or those words that snuffed out each one you lit

You as my sun giving me warmth

Or as an eclipse that didn't fade away

Innocence portrayed on a deceitful face

The real you as I believed, lost in seconds

Your hearts two sides, one a complete stranger

With my love concealed in the depths

Your two faces I continue to hate and love....


Abyss of my heart

Blankly with no words

In the surging sea, still unaware

Numb with feelings long gone cold

Memories dimming eventually fades away

In this abyss my heart has been drenched...

From this dust till that dawn only one visage

Now and then still the stars do shine down

Yet without your trail everything seems hopeless

Born in this heart , dying as tears in my eyes

My melted heart again frozen to the core

For one wish you couldn't fulfill

Forsaking all the twinkles that could have been mine

I just wished for you to never break my heart

But with anguish now my heart aches

My precious gift scattered to pieces

The lantern you enlightened flickered away

Without healing my scars I continue

Impalpable soul of mine cries within

Till the time of a new dusk

When the red moon passes

And the new moon finally calls me out...


One moment forever

My eyes unable to meet his...

His black eyes piercing through

To see right through me now

I trembled just wanting to stay away

Step by step i was fading away

Yet his one word enough to stop me in my tracks

" I love you " was all i needed to hear

As if he could hear my heart beat

As if he could just read my thoughts

He made his way towards me

One hot breath from his mouth caressing my neck

As he leaned towards holding my arms

Only through tears was i able to answer

I couldn’t stay.... It was just a dream for me

But why do I love him too...

Though his eyes could see me through

Though his one touch made it a fairy tale

Though his love filled my soul

Though this moment was perfect

I never could be his....

Seconds by passing his lips were touching mine

His arms so tight around mine, not wanting to let me go

I felt his love now and i knew it was all i needed for forever

Pulling away from his grip with tears, I ran from him

All I could ever give him was a moment

A moment to savor and to cherish

A fallen angels final tears wishing only bliss for you....


Journey of one

That bird flying above the night sky

The wind that caressed against its wings

The moon that showed it the way

Along with the rustles, the sound of silence

All bundled up, just for the moment…

Soaring high towards the horizon,

A millennium away only it can see its destination

Cold water brushing beneath

With the light of its heart only, it can survive

Fighting its soul, all espy its courage

Storms crushing its will,

Faith was spied be lost in a frail second

Yet the cries of its loved ones, rendered a new hope

In the bruised body, the soul so strong

Just for this one journey all life embraces

Till end comes, to set for the next


Princess of the night.. for you...

The moon sings a lullaby as you rest in my arms

The winds soft hum embodies us tonight

Just to be lost in your eyes is what I want now

Oh, my princess of the night

Never can I tell you how much I love you

For words cannot truly express this heart

Rhythms of our souls have united finally

Forming the perfect harmony heard throughout

The ambience enshrines our love

As the nightingales sing along

I tell you my darling here tonight

I want you forever in my life….


If you knew...

If u knew how much I love u

All the vows wouldn’t have been broken

All the dreams wouldn’t shatter in a flash

All that we had wouldn’t fade away

If u knew how much I need u

You wouldn’t rip out my heart

Give me scars I can’t ever heal

Give me tears which I can’t wipe of

If u knew how much I cared for u

Will u still leave me bleeding?

Take away all my happiness with u

Never think about how your words would hurt me

Will u?????


Few words for you...

A few words for you from this broken heart….

With the dawn of hopes in this heart

With the born of hidden laments for you

With the death of my soul each moment

I smile to see you happy throughout….

With the claw of tears grasping my soul

Thriving down my spine is your betrayal

Words meant to solace, only carved an endless sorrow

Though I am forlorn here, counting each moment without you

I still hold myself together just for you

Yet I know these few words will never reach your heart

With this eclipse in life, no bliss will ever return

With this invading harmony adorned with lies

Unbounded love still takes its step within

Confounded just by your ignorance

My heart weeps through all times

With every thud of it

With every breath taken

Yet these eyes only want to see your smile

For you and always for you…


Innocent dreams...

Innocent dreams born in one’s eyes

Yet this one time why doesn’t anything last?

For its scars only torture our souls

Like embers burning without fire

Can I say it’s a twinkle giving no light?

Just evanescence in our hearts

For those were our only hopes

Yet now only the faintest remain

Can I say it’s just a heartless thought?

A gleam of illusion for our eyes

That’s what it’s all about

Calling of our hearts for its longing, never can it hear

Endless flow of tears, never can it see

What’s thriving within, never can it feel

All those felt numb within moments

Yet for us it’s the entire world within our grasp

But never, it is for us

Only its wish to return to these eyes

For a dream of innocence

For a dream of illusions

For a dream of longing

Just our hearts can wait…


Till then...

As the rain drops touch my bruised soul

Realities fade away when I close my eyes

With every drop only your presence is felt

Can u tell me what shall I do?

Never can I grasp the bliss in life

Never can I let the pain out

Imprisoned by illusions only my heart feels

Nobody knows what’s behind my smile

Blindness covers one’s eyes

Or is it just ones wish?

Never extending your hand to soothe my pain

Why do u say u love me?

Why do you provoke the unrevealed agony?

Standing here, I realize at last

What’s within my soul no one shall know

Why does my eye seek happiness no one shall know

With this closing chapter of my life

Enclosed within my heart will be the pain given

Till I close my eyes again…


Incomplete happiness...

True to all yet like an inflicting memory to me

Once being fondled in your arms

To have had a glimpse of fathers love

For all I know now, I have espied incomplete happiness

In the time of infancy fading away from my life

Drenching all my childhood with tears

Only silence surrounds me within the embracing agony

Yet within the silence my heart wants to hear your scolding

Through the endless surging of the storms

My ears long for your soothing words

All the waiting for you to realize your mistake

Had made me realize it’s all for nothing

Though my heart missed my father

Your heart didn’t miss my laughter

Though my eyes missed the joys of a family

Your eyes never missed anyone

Now remains only the fact that your blood runs through me

Yet this one question will forever will be imprinted

Did you even care for once???


In his memories...

In the twilight, quenching her thirst from the endless twinkles above

Espying the light dimming along the horizon

Snuffing out the bliss, smothering her world with darkness

Remained only embers setting her soul alight

Scars within her heart abating every desire in her frail life

Yet hoping to acquire his one glimpse in the fading gleam

Forsaking the world encasing his fond memories along

Nothing changing her love for him ever….


Never dying agony...

Telling me love won’t hurt

U held my hand in the throes

Wiped off every tear falling from my eyes

Opened the bolted gates of my heart

Was that all to shatter me?

Telling me how much u cared for me

U stood by me at all times

Healed every scar from past

Yet, was all that just to give them back?

Telling me how much u needed me

U fulfilled every desire of mine

Showed me illusions in this path

A mirage in my life, is it all that u are?

All of these unanswered questions shredding my happiness

Seeing all that left is darkness in life

All hopes seems to die away bit by bit

Now in my heart resides a never dying agony...


Final Wish

Final wish of a withered rose

Unveiled the hidden love entombed

Faded moments evoked

Frozen words melting, reaching to its destination

Crossing every boundary rhythms of two hearts united

An immortal reborn at the last breath…


One glance

Promising her eternal love for his one glace

Unspoken words, touching her silently

Carving his name in the depth of her heart

With every heart beat the love blooming within

Her soul forever imprinted in his

Yet entombing the love so pure

For which the reality may shatter her fantasies


Never forgotten...

Closing my eyes to see you near,

Opening my eyes to feel you so far

In the blink of an eye all hopes fade away

Drowned in your thoughts envisaging what could have been

As the moon, lightening up your life yet itself so lone

With a heart engulfed with sorrows

And a soul urging for your love

Each day passes with silent tears pricking my eyes

A lingering pain resides within, evoking each moment spent with you

Touching the depth of loneliness

I close my eyes in hope of uniting with u …


Shattered fantasies...

Only as a dream I have seen u

Only as a fantasy I have felt u

Just a figment of my imagination I thought u are

Yet in reality now I realize I love u

No more a dream without a destiny

To have found you, all fantasies have become realities

Yet forgetting that reality brings nothing but scars

I let my soul flow away with u

Drowned in a deep love, living a lie

When all illusions faded, remained nothing but ashes of my soul

Capturing my fantasies and realities

You have left me to bleed till my last breath


Love in terms of Bio...

A heart with four chambers, in each chamber lie one of your memories

One pulmonary artery different from all bringing the deceitful blood with it, never letting its effect run through me

One pulmonary vein thought to be betrayer holds all blooming love enhancing its magical effect

Protective valves never letting it drift into the past, always guiding it to the right path

Providing the eternal bliss are arteries and with a spark of courage the veins beholds and purifies the agonizing love

As if the system fails with it I shall close my eyes, yet my love never shall die…


Love never dies...

Your memories forsaken

Sealed within my heart

Never to remember those broken vows

Embracing a passionate love

Leaving my crippled life behind

Time passes, all my wounds heal

As a new harmony reaches my soul

With the determination to never look back

Yet your one glance unlocking all my emotions

Erupting them from my heart

With no hope leaving me in a dilemma

I leave my life in the hands of my destiny…


Joys of laughter filling the world of a mother

Yet so distant her heart waits for this to reach the father

So far away he seems to be allured by other things around

She waits in his love while the world seem to go round

One days wait becomes years and so on

Hearts wrecked and torn during this aeon

A family ruined because of one’s mistake

With no happiness, so poor and nothing left to take


Dream girl

Those eyes reflecting so many emotions, filling his soul’s emptiness

Her face gleaming with such innocence while her prominent smile adding a sense of brightness

Moving with such ease her svelte body floating around as an angel down to earth

His arms aching to hold her as his heart beats faster each time he sees her

Running towards her to hold her in his arms yet she seems to be so far

Willing not to give up he went so far to be with her

Her one gaze filled with purity lifted him to new heights

Coming close each moment, his heart telling him that she was only his right

Closing his eyes for a moment to captures her image yet when opened she was gone

Opening his eyes into the real world, all of a sudden feeling lone

Wanting to find her his eyes only seek out for her

Whatever may come a feeling of hope burns in his heart for that his soul aches only for his dream girl....


Down the aisle

Days passing by as the day I await finally come near

Mixed feelings blending in my heart, as with happiness I have a little bit of fear

Doubts find its way into my mind leading me to confusion

Yet seeing you smile and feeling your love assures me of my destination

My eyes reflecting my anticipation and excitement as a sudden thrill runs through my body

Looking at myself for the last time as a new life waits for me as your wife

Welcoming all the happiness,

I step towards an unfamiliar yet a joyful life

Walking down the aisle heading towards you as your bride

Makes my heart fill with such pleasure and pride

Taking this final step with assurance,

I hold your hand never to let go…



As the moon set high above the sky, I feel a sudden rush of anger through me

Trying not to let it escape, I try to control the beast inside me

The pain too much to bear, having no choice I let it free

Darkness seizing my heart as all my fears comes true

As it all end I find myself stranded, alone with no clue

Seeing all the havoc around me for which I had to take the blame

Hearing those cries, my soul trembles as my heart fills with shame

Knowing that a monster resides within me and feeling its presence, it kills me bit by bit

For what I have concealed in my heart making me a culprit

To tell everyone what I am truly is to bring a storm of death

For that, I shall conceal the secret till my last breath

Though Guilt and regrets will never let me live peacefully

I shall face and accept my life bravely

Forever living in the unknown,

I will be trapped with the curse of being a werewolf


Final Goodbye

A peaceful night when the wind blows across your face

Hands in hand we walk together as our heart beat in one pace

Though this may become our last moment with each other

Till eternity we vowed to be together

My body held in his so weak yet my soul so strong

Fading away into darkness leaving you alone

But I know that with my memories you will never be forlorn

With such peace my eyes closes telling you my final goodbye


Let's dance...

Let’s dance to the overtaking beats of the night

Emerging from the darkness into the light

I stand up letting the dulcet rhythm take over me

The soothing melody unlocks my heart to be free

Every step I take alluring me towards another

My body flowing so beautifully as a feather

Melting away all the tensions and qualms

Embracing me with a feeling of calm

I dance letting my heart to you…



Happiness is finding a ray of hope at the darkest of times

Happiness is discovering a world with no crimes

Happiness is feeling unique from all

Happiness is being pure from the deepest of your soul

Happiness is feeling the warmth of my mother beside me

Happiness is seeking the beauty of nature in the sea

Happiness is facing the life of sorrows

Happiness is seeing my life clearly, as I see myself in the mirrors


Future Awaits...

As the rosy aura of dawn rise

When we see a new hope rise

All bitter memories melt as ice

We welcome our new future with open arms

The angry storms all calms

Seeking out life all over again

Precious moments are what we gain

Though with sweet comes bitter

In life hoping and trying is what matter

As we look ahead, a new future awaits…



I try to close my eyes and ears

Concealing every secret and my fears

Trying not to know what’s going on

Yet the screams of the innocent and the mourns

Never let me bury my guilt and regrets

Leaving behind the past full of secrets

I have tried so hard to forget it all

However at last I stumbled and had to fall


Avenge of the heart

Though our live connect as one

Except bitter memories from you, I have got none

Ripping my heart out and leaving me wounded deep down my soul

Scars of your betrayal and nothing left to console

Your words sliced my heart like a dagger

Yet I live to know that my life does matter

To heal my wounds and to hate you till eternity

To make you realize that you were guilty

Maybe for some it may seem like my revenge

But for me it’s the way to avenge

For those words which tore me apart

For the broken and torn heart

All time nor heal I wait for you till eternity not to love but to hurt

With all my hate and with no comfort

One life connected two but your one lie broke us apart…


Re-unite- My Last Breath

Darkness covers me up and I closed my eye

All the sweet bitter memories coming together as I die

As I draw near to my end

Still confused as all emotions in my heart blend

Not knowing whether this is love or hatred

Whatever it is in this moment I want you beside me

My eyes talking for me as you can see

Telling you to hold me for the last time now

Just to remember those awe-inspiring moments we shared and the wows

Though I maybe living in a dream I wish to die feeling loved

All my life I may have hated you for your betray

Leaving my life and my world to go astray

Yet now when you have come back at my last breath

My hatred melted away as I come near my death

Taking only your love and leaving behind the pain

I take my final vow to re-unite with u again


Tortured soul

Your unrepentant words make my soul bleed

Wringing my heart and leaving me isolated in time of need

I ask you why you come back with those fainted nostalgia

Your agonizing presence pricking my heart as I endure your torture

Feeling hapless, I cry thousands of tears beholding a dimmed future

Exacerbating my wounds, the pain enhance beyond all limits

Paying for my love, I let all your memories flow away with my blood…


Wrath of the heart

Wrath of the heart is what all fear

Pain expressed as a fallen tear

Then comes the hatred and the anger

Hurting and avenge becomes eager

A craving to see others cry

To minimize the pain through this is what we try

Yet a scar given to them scratches our heart

It’s what to happen when someone part…

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