The gift of Hatred

No matter how much I try to run away

No matter how much I try not to think

Wounds by you just wouldn't heal

Wondering whether you are like that

Always I seek you in shadows

As I espy love in others eyes

Why can't I grasp it?

Why am I the one forbidden to feel that?

Love was sought by an innocent child

Pain was what grew in her through time

Am I paying the debt of loving you?

Smiles come across my face realizing a truth

Maybe this is love after all

The pain never sought, just an another face

To be thankful for this pain

For the moments reality,

Pain was the forbidden love from you...

All this time it was a gift I hated

But now....

My last words as I say, thank you...



A sunset left behind you,

For this sunrise beneath those eyes

In the gloam, I had been waiting

Holding my breath, till your arrival

Living to see this moment,

When your eyes finally susurrus,

Your hands raring to hold me,

To my heart, when you lips uttered,

“I love you, with each breath"

“I need you, as my soul"

“I want you, with my all love and need",

All quivers dethawed into nothingness,

As the embracement of a lifetime was made

For my being, you are the ideal reason

A graceful path have opened,

With you I will walk to the endless of it...


The land of my dreams

Beyond the hills of this land the horizons to my dreams lie

The golden sparks of dusk casting a surreal magic

Blooming flowers of innocent dreams here

Efface the dying laments of fire

With the hush of the lips, the gentle touches

Grasping tight for it might leave your arms in a flash

Rivers of stargazes, seas of aspirations

Beyond this valley beneath that land of hills

These flows in my eyes towards my heart

Frozen beats and wintry smiles blossoms

Shadows of the sun finally lengthens to reach me

Touching me are the twinkles of twilight

Fading away into darkness of the dusk are my grief’s

Sorrows overtaken by a calmness that filled an empty heart

Beyond the horizon, through every bit of me

Finally today I see the face of my dreams....



Why the unhappy face...

Please smile your everlasting smile

All that can send me to the heavens...

Hey baby, Can you feel my words?

If so can you smile, for me?

Little of your thoughts

Much of my wonders

Come together to form dreams

Of you and me with the picture perfect pose...

Just be certain, I won't break it into pieces

How cold it maybe, baby your smile brings warmth

So can you smile for me...? Oh baby...

Hear my sighs deep round the night

One of your dreams always wander around

Keeping me alive during these seconds

So baby for my heart, can you just smile...

Smile your smile. Will you?

The one of you and me in it... just smile


What is love?

It's funny when all you see is his love,

And when he breaks your heart,

All you see is anguish given by him,

You curse him, giving yourself pain

You stop loving anyone, because of him,

My thought circle around this one thought,

Is this called love?

Betrayal, pain and deceit

Written in your broken heart,

Erasing every trace of love,

Happiness evanescent with the bitterness,

Faith and hope, no longer words believed in

Is this really what love can be?

I wonder even more...

And then I espy the one watching you,

He is near, yet too distant

He cares, yet fears your broken heart

He loves you, yet you are blinded

It was then, I realized

This one spark flickering,

In the stormy ocean of your pain

Never letting you go,

Hiding his pain, he soothes yours

Shedding invisible tears,

He has made you smile again

Surprised I am to find that

You haven't lost love,

You have gained courage to love again,

Eons can separate you from your happiness,

But he filled that gap for you

Within your bliss, with your smile

I know this is what you call Love...


My broken dream of U

Lightning in the night,

For one second you see the day again,

And then in seconds it all disappear

Too afraid to meet its eyes,

Just like facing a dream you know, will shatter...

Lost aren't I? I ask myself too often

Yet, I compare this with your sorrow

Small, my heart always tell me

Hold his hand, though u might break,

Hold it tight, Or else you will be left alone...

This one dream, this one fear

As I see you are my dream,

For you being shattered,

My whole life is left with emptiness,

Realize this pain in my heart...

That is all I ever wanted for then,

This was what I felt... yet,

How many times should my heartbreak,

To know your love can be greater than your sorrow

To feel that you moved on with me,

Holding my hand you embraced that fantasy...

Why must this happen, I still ask?

When the symphonies met,

Why is the song out of place?

Were you too late to reach my dream?

I still wonder....

"I love you" and my heart melted again,

And then seconds of promises,

Dreams too fragile for me were born,

How close to being found I was,

Your hand reached me, then why?

Why did you suddenly withdraw?

Lost again, aren't I?

This time I didn't care for your sorrow,

It was my dream of you, broken in my wrists,

Passionate times killed with the thorns

Blood dripping bit by bit

Dreams have died, so has a wish...

Eternal love dies within the forevers...

As forevers are promised too often on your lips...

Love is a mere word with endless definitions

And you are nothing but a betrayer.....


My new time

All for a new time,

Waves roll across the sea,

Calling me back from here

Nostalgic scents awaken me deeply

All for a new time,

Let me sacrifice these...

Even though I am here

My senses want me there

My thoughts circle around the ambience

The friendly, the one I miss much

Enticing time, enlaced with joy

Have you missed me enough?

I wonder....

This unfriendly time

When I think I will break by bits

Without a shoulder near me

When tears come I wonder what I will do

For all I know till now,

This is my new time,

And it hasn't started...yet...


All the maybe

Maybe you are mine to fall for

Maybe it’s just me,

In your eyes what I see

Is it the truth?

Or was it before...the past

I am sorry to have broken one

Without knowing that it was

I promise you, I will love you

With all the forever’s that I could give you

For what was broken I want to mend....

You are not mine and I am yours,

It’s just too unjust to bear

When all I get for my love,

Is just your ignorance and anger?

Tell me... Is it just me deceiving myself?

Someday I will fade away leaving you,

In her arms you are too happy,

Remember me once... That’s all I need...

Maybe ... just maybe I will forget...

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