One moment forever

My eyes unable to meet his...

His black eyes piercing through

To see right through me now

I trembled just wanting to stay away

Step by step i was fading away

Yet his one word enough to stop me in my tracks

" I love you " was all i needed to hear

As if he could hear my heart beat

As if he could just read my thoughts

He made his way towards me

One hot breath from his mouth caressing my neck

As he leaned towards holding my arms

Only through tears was i able to answer

I couldn’t stay.... It was just a dream for me

But why do I love him too...

Though his eyes could see me through

Though his one touch made it a fairy tale

Though his love filled my soul

Though this moment was perfect

I never could be his....

Seconds by passing his lips were touching mine

His arms so tight around mine, not wanting to let me go

I felt his love now and i knew it was all i needed for forever

Pulling away from his grip with tears, I ran from him

All I could ever give him was a moment

A moment to savor and to cherish

A fallen angels final tears wishing only bliss for you....


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