Moving on

What I have lost,
What I miss the most,
What I cry about,
I would only know
And I would carry the scars, not you

Judge me if I try for a first
Not when I just let it be
These scratches now and then
Maybe I feel alive by them
So why bother me?
Why say I don't want to move on?

We are all bound within one life
Where we meet and part
Then why would I run?
At least I don't hide like you
I just simply care enough to hurt at times
Till I build a bridge,
And cross over the water, let me be
Let me feel alive in my own way...

What it's to like you !!

It’s beginning to feel cold
The ground freezing beneath
The sun stops burning above
A rush of despair and time stands still
Is this how it feels to like someone?

To be a lone soul trapped
It's supposed to be beautiful they say
Where roses lay down their thorns
And the warmness tugs in
But this feeling is like a gloomy high

When the blood rushes in
Getting closer day by day
It makes me more vulnerable
This thinking of why and how
Pushing me closer to insanity

I do wish to tell u now and then
All I know is that this is slow
This is deep, and it's always there
This feeling of liking you,
Of needing and maybe of loving....


It could be better

Life could be better,
Oh yes It can be
With all the deaf ears and blind eyes,
That exists without any care
It could be far better

With all the ignorant taunts
Haunted dreams of cravings,
For all those desires of the heart
Sleepless we have become
So quickly, so neatly
Oh yes It can be better than this

Secrets within that want to lash out,
To paint the world with that pain
Slowly and swiftly engulfing everything
Why can't it get better dammit?
And so we do cry in fear,
Cry in vain, Cry for the future,
For this is a one way road...

Wisdom Of Hearts

Wisdom of your heart that I consumed
Slowly ignites a fire within
Fragments of those flickering flames
Burning so deep, hurting me so well
Finally and so truly I can see
And I know I am not blind anymore...

Every thought of your vile heart
Devoured within this lone centre
Engulfed and bound to feel such ugliness
So frightful this face of innocence
Never am I going to be blind anymore
For I can finally and truly see through you...

Feelings Of My Seasons

Harmless little thoughts
Soft and tiny pangs
Clueless words that defines,
Everything and nothing
The first feelings of summer...

His thoughts beckoning
Like a savior in a storm
You espy his lean frame
Ever so slowly it shrinks in
These first feelings of winter...

A ghoul from your dreams
One that leaves you empty
Of hunger and devoid of sadness
A void left to be filled
That first feeling of autumn...

Waiting become wanting
Liking becomes longing
As love becomes a must
Misty, these small feelings
Blooms fully,
Our first feeling of spring


The One I Can't Have

I am not to believe in your existence
Be it true or false, but I cannot turn back
I cannot simply turn to find you
Nor can I run ahead to embrace you
I truly am bolted with a thousand chains
Breakable these are but still....

Of all my dreams you come last
Of all hopes you cannot be fulfilled
In this twisted web where crimson hearts rust
My heart could not find yours
All these boundaries and all these thorns
Whether you be brave or courageous
I simply would remain bolted within...

When you find me within all these turmoil
Just walk away, Just smile and vanish
For I do not wish for this strong faith
A faith which could break me free
And yet, and still yet simply bolt me again
Would you understand?
Would you keep this promise?
Find me only to lose me again
Remain as the stranger you were
And leave me as far as possible...


From a stranger to another !

Such a distance that I can't cover
Oh why have you travelled so far?
Beyond my reach even my dreams have flown
To be with you in their rightful place
Left alone desolate of soul and heart
What am I to do here, so far so lone?

Naiveness you can call it
To have fallen from the seventh sky to this ground
Just to see you from a mile away each second
A fool I was and a fool I remain
Still crouching about where I landed on
While you walked your way out of my sight...

Trying here every time to call you back
But these barriers hold down my voice
For you are unaware and so free
Oh how can I bind you again?
How am I to drag you down from your seventh sky?
How am I to cut your healed wings?

I wait right here stranger,
For all that I have are with you
I wait like the fool that I am
And maybe one day you shall foresee,
That all hearts are not vile
All hearts does not change
And some hearts can wait
For now and tomorrow....


Nonsensical Tears

For reasons unspoken,
For reasons untold and misunderstood
These damned tears prick and tear out
Shallow and hollow how a soul becomes
When one loses all causes,
And yet cry and cry one’s heart out...

Tugging the bestowed cruelty
With a knot in the stomach too well known
All hell breaks lose too easily
A waterfall destroyed and a reign left too freely
Without any guardian,
Without any grounds to stand on anymore
All one can do is scream and scream the heart out...

Like shrieks from mute lips to deaf ears
Frustration of this sickening silence,
Resounding back nothingness of a dead end
Feelings that swell up right after,
Beckoning nothing but anguish and torment
And all one can do is hurt and hurt more....


Seasonal Love Affair

Palpable the hurt I emit through words
It reaches you, I know
Do you simplify, ignore and rip them apart ?
If not why is their attempt futile ?
Now so sudden, the feelings retained
For once let me revive those moments for  you...

So fragile you, a defiant being were
Noticing your vulnerable soul, I tried!
Building a world where she was condemed from
Comforting you through my wittiness
We had formed a bond of hope
Do you remember ?

A vow tied to my heart that day
To embellish your heart with wishes each season
How naive I sounded,
How obvious the reasoning
You did percieve with all might the reality
Attraction, beguilement or was I bitterly charmed ?

Swift and enigmatic words you sent me
I have lived an affair through them
Until reality called back upon you ?
Vanishing slowly and leaving a lingering trail
Choosing to live with frayed relations?

Soon & tardily I find us back again
Where you were your defiant self
I am a stranger you pass by now and then
Will you ever return my words back to me ?
I am hurt, paining and in agony ...
But you do not realize is that so ?
Forced  now I am to call this and that
A seasonal love affair ?
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